Saturday, February 1, 2020

Labour market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Labour market - Essay Example AUSTRALIAN LABOUR MARKET Introduction There are several ways through which a person gains human capital. However, the two main ways are education and the second is experience or on the job training. Various skills are required to perform different jobs and the basics skills are acquired through studies or formal education. However, without experience or practice the education is not as effective. Therefore, even at work, the worker is always in the process of learning. Considering the level of skills in the labour force in Australia, the government has been consistently undertaking various projects to support the workers in various areas and trying to expand and equip the workforce. Australian Labour Market There are a number of programs and workshops to assist organizations and also to train workers such as Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL). They train workers in English language and numeracy skills linked to various jobs. Similarly, WORKERS’ EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIAT ION, SYDNEY (WEA Sydney) has been operating for the past century assisting organizations and providing wide range of public lectures and lectures in various subjects although it has not been funded by the government a lot. Also training has expanded to fields relating to communication technology and digital communication. (IMMI, 2010) The relaxed immigration policy of Australia is the evidence that the Australian government is attracting immigrants from abroad to work in Australia as the country is deprived of fully skilled workers for respective jobs. The Australian Human Resource Institute (AHRI) on skill shortages conducted a research. According to the report it was found that seven out of ten Australian employers surveyed are still experiencing a skills shortage, and more than 85% believe  skilled migration  is necessary to the success of their organizations. Therefore, research results from the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations are working to find out the area where the skills are lacking at state and national level as the ability to work matters on various factors such as season, geographical base and also knowledge. That is there might be a worker with a certain skill; however he or she might not be able to find the respective job in his or her locality and would be unemployed for sometime as he/ she would also not be aware of the job in some other locality. Therefore, there has been a shortage of workers in Australia. (IMMI, 2010) The Australian government therefore introduced a visa policy known as 457 visas in 1996 under which immigrants were given working opportunities in Australia. They allowed skilled people to temporarily work in Australia under an approved sponsor for up to four years. During times of economic progress the use of this policy was very effective as skillful employees invited from abroad could easily fill the demand gap. However, over the years it has undergone many changes since hiring employees from foreign countries reduces the opportunities for the local workforce. During times of the global economic recession like during 2009 the demand for the 457 visa workers fell and the usage of the policy reduced, but so did the demand for the

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